Hollywood Palms

The Hollywood Palms Cinema is the latest of our full-service, fully integrated Restaurant, Bar and Movie Theater to open in the greater Chicagoland area. They seat you in high-backed leather executive chairs in our beautifully decorated auditoriums featuring state of the art digital picture and sound. We use solid silver coated screens with the highest reflectivity, creating the best and sharpest image you can experience. We bring you movies the way they were really meant to be seen, big, bright, bold and beautiful; with terrific sound and in style, comfort and ease of your very own leather rocking chair...you don't even have to share an arm rest! We will bring right to your table everything to eat and drink that your little heart could desire.

Location Information

ADDRESS: 352 S. Route 59
CITY: Naperville
PHONE: 630-428-5800
WEBSITE: www.hollywoodpalmscinema.com